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Competitive Intelligence

Why Competitive Intelligence?

  • Using secondary research as a launching pad, we add unique value through intensive primary research. We creatively identify and interview a variety of industry participants-including direct competitors—to provide a well-rounded, corroborated view of the salient competitive issues. We use ethical means to gather hard-to-find information on markets and competitors. Our vertical industry specialists then analyze the findings, add insights, demonstrate clear implications to the client, and work with decision makers to develop action plans and strategies.


How AllegroAltissimo can help you?

  • AllegroAltissimo helps our clients in the design and implementation of an organized mechanism to capture and use intelligence. We assist decision makers in the interpretation of signals from the environment to understand and anticipate industry change.

  • AllegroAltissimo provides education and networking opportunities for business professionals working in the rapidly growing field of competitive intelligence


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